Book writing Competition

සිංහල මාධ්‍ය පහලින් සඳහන් වේ.
Dear students,

The Ministry of Education is organizing a book writing competition inorder to promote thinking ability and creativity amoung the 410,000 of students who are now being at their homes due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

The books you write will be edited by your teacher approved by the Principal and sent to the Provincial Director through the Zonal Director. Then the books will be sent to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education will be publishing the best 10,000 books. You will be an author and will be awarded.
 Following are the criteria

 • Age group: grade 1 to 13
 • Medium: Sinhala,Tamil, English
 • Book type :
    • Children's story ( minimum 16 pages)
    • Poetry (between 20 to 50 poems)
    • Short stories (minimum 5 stories)
    • Novels (minimum 120 A5 pages)
    • Drama
    • Translations
    • Historic events
    • Magical stories
    • Mythology
    • Adventures
    • Scientific
    • Environment based
    • Biography
    • Autobiography
    • Fairy tales
    • Exaggerated stories
    • Religious stories

• All the other book type above must have more than 49 pages and     less than 150 pages
• Children's story books can be published by students up to grade 10 
• Books must be computerized in A4 pages
• Photos and pictures must be black and white
• Photos cannot depict personal, face must be blurred
• Names used must be authentic
• Font type : Iskolapotha
• Font size : children's story- 12, other : 14
• Line space between topics and lines: 2
• Line space between lines: 1.5
• Left Margin : 1.5"
• Other Margins : 1"
• Poetry books cannot have computer Philip arts.
• All books must have Hard copies (wire binding) and soft copies       (CD)
• Page order
  •  Cover page - colored page with pictures, name, author,
  •  2nd cover page - name, author, publisher
  • Offerings
  • Acknowledgement
  • Forward
  • Content ( not for children's story books) Pages up to this must be numbered with Roman numerals
  • Chapters ( must be numbered clearly)

 • Your books must be produced before 28th of May. 

Wish you all the best.....

ආදරණීය දරුවනි,

කෝවිඩ් 19 වසංගතය හේතුවෙන් මේ මොහොතේ නිවසේ රුදී සිටින 410,000 වන ඔබ වැනි දූ දරුවන්ගේ පරිකල්පන හැකියාව සහ නිර්මාණශීලීත්වය වර්ධනය කරනු පිණිස  අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යංශය විසින් පොත් ලිවීමේ තරඟයක් සංවිධානය කොට ඇත.

මෙසේ ඔබ විසින් ලියනු ලබන පොත් ඔබගේ පාසලේ විදුහල්පතිතුමිය නිර්දේශ කර, ගුරුවරයෙකු විසින් සංස්කරණය කර, කලාප අධ්‍යක්ෂක හරහා පළාත් අධ්‍යක්ෂක වෙත යොමු කරනු ලැබේ. පසුව එම පොත් අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යංශය  වෙත යොමු කර එහි දී හොඳම පොත් 10,000 ප්‍රකාශයට පත්කරනු ලැබේ.


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